Restore Your Confidence

As hair begins to thin and become patchy or bald, many experience a loss of self-esteem and confidence, both socially and professionally. Dr. Wolfeld has years of education and experience on the subject of hair restoration and has some of the most advanced technology for hair loss NY has to offer.

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Determining the Cause Of Male Hair Loss

Everyone loses hair each day, sometimes 100 to 150 strands a day. They fall out and grow back – this is a normal cycle. Eventually, it is noticed that many more hairs are being shed than before – a very concerning situation. The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenic alopecia, which is a hereditary form of male pattern baldness. Other types of hair loss include:

  • Trichotillomania – a hair-pulling disorder
  • Alopecia Areata – an autoimmune disorder that often results in hair loss
  • Alopecia Totalis – a skin condition causing hair loss on the scalp
  • Hair loss caused by certain medications or illnesses such as anemia or thyroid disease
  • Trauma
  • Chemotherapy
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Why do Men Experience Male Pattern Baldness?

It has been reported that up to 95 percent of men with thinning hair have male pattern baldness, which is hereditary. Experts say a gene may affect how sensitive your hair follicles are to a hormone called DHT, which causes them to shrink. As they get smaller, the hair that grows back tends to be finer and thinner until, eventually, no hair will be produced.

How Early Can Men Experience Hair Loss?

There is no magic age when men start to lose their hair. Male pattern baldness can begin as early as the teen years. Generally, initial thinning of hair often becomes noticeable in the 30s or 40s. The sooner it starts, the greater the loss will be. It is important to treat this condition in the earliest stages when possible.

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Are There any Health Risks Associated with Hair Loss?

Male pattern baldness typically isn’t a sign of a medical problem. If you notice your hair starting to fall out, speak with your doctor to rule out a more serious problem.

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Treatment for Male Hair Loss

You have options. You can once again experience confidence and a more youthful, attractive appearance. Dr. Wolfeld has focused his professional life on modern hair restoration techniques and offers surgical hair restoration as well as minimally invasive treatments to help you achieve a thicker head of hair with exceptionally natural-looking results.

Surgical Hair Restoration Might be the Answer

Permanent hair loss can also be treated by hair replacement procedures such as hair transplantation. Surgical hair restoration can restore hair in areas that have experienced loss following surgery, trauma, or scarring on the scalp or beard area.

Dr. Wolfeld is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in hair restoration and can perform a hair restoration to restore hair to balding areas, improving your aesthetic appearance and overall confidence. If it is decided that surgical hair restoration is the path forward, Dr. Wolfeld offers some of the world’s most advanced hair restoration techniques, including the ARTAS Hair Studio – a physician-assisted, robotic system that creates a remarkably natural result – far superior to techniques used in the past. Another form of hair transplantation is hair plugs, which Dr. Wolfeld also provides arguably the best results in hair plugs NYC has to offer.

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Choosing Wolfeld Hair

As the first boutique hair restoration clinic in New York City, Wolfeld Hair offers a full array of the most advanced treatments available and will create a comprehensive treatment that produces real-world results. Dr. Wolfeld has extensive training and experience and uses revolutionary advances in hair restoration technology. Beyond his experience, knowledge, and reputation for excellence in hair restoration, he has a singularly aesthetic approach achieved through his years in the field of plastic surgery. Unlike other plastic surgeons, Dr. Wolfeld focuses exclusively on hair restoration. He is also the first physician in the United States to be board-certified in both hair restoration and plastic surgery.

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Male Hair Loss FAQ

What is normal hair loss?

Can hair loss be prevented?

What is the recovery time for Hair Plugs?

Are the results permanent?

Will I have scarring after hair loss treatment?

Will my hair loss treatment look natural?

What is normal hair loss?

It is normal to lose about 100 strands of hair each day, which will not impact the thickness and volume of your hair. Many things can affect how many hair strands you lose throughout the day, from coloring and styling your hair, wearing hats, and certain medical conditions. However, if you are losing hair at an alarming rate or begin to notice thinning or bald spots, it could be time for a consultation for hair restoration.

Can hair loss be prevented?

Many people experience hair loss as a result of genetics, which is typically not preventable. However, you can do your part to reduce excess hair loss by mitigating environmental factors. Keep your hair healthy by washing it regularly, reducing bleach or other dyes, and limiting heat styling. Take care of yourself by eating healthy foods, reducing stress, and treating any underlying medical conditions. You may be able to reduce the rate of hair loss and preserve your healthy hair follicles.

What is the recovery time for Hair Plugs?

Your recovery time after a hair transplant procedure may vary based on the type of procedure. Dr. Wolfeld typically utilizes the ARTAS robotic hair transplant system, which doesn’t require a linear harvest strip of follicles. The recovery time is much lower than other methods because there isn’t a linear incision. The tiny incisions around each follicle will heal within a couple of days, and you can return to work and other activities after minimal downtime. Other methods for hair transplant procedures may involve varying recovery times based on the extent of the procedure.

Are the results permanent?

Hair transplant procedures have a high rate of success and incredibly long-lasting results. The follicles taken from the harvest site are typically not susceptible to the conditions that caused the thinning hair in the first place if you wait until hair loss has stabilized. Once the hair is transplanted to the recipient site, it retains the longevity of the donor site. The resulting growth will be permanent.

Will I have scarring after hair loss treatment?

The ARTAS robotic hair transplant system combats hair loss without the use of a linear donor site, making it one of the best methods of hair restoration for those who prefer short hairstyles. You may experience minimal scarring as the tiny incisions used during the procedure will only result in small, virtually invisible scars. Your hair and scalp will look and feel completely natural, and your hair transplant procedure will not be evident to those around you.

Will my hair loss treatment look natural?

Absolutely. If you decide to treat your hair loss using the ARTAS hair restoration system, you will have some of the most natural-looking results available today. The robotic device maps your healthy hair follicles and places the transplants in the same pattern and thickness as your existing hair. The precision and accuracy with which the ARTAS machine performs hair transplants are unmatched in the industry. Without human error or fatigue, your hair loss treatment will look natural and be balanced to match your face shape.

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